One more state. Not one more genERAtion!
North Carolina has the historic chance to become the 38th and final state required to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment and change the U.S. Constitution. The ERA supports families by helping to combat wage inequities, protect pregnant women in the workplace, and protect against domestic violence and sexual assault.
Senator Floyd B. McKissick Jr. and Representative Carla Cunningham will introduce bills to ratify the ERA in both the NC House and Senate on March 5th, and you’re welcome to join us! (If you can’t join us in Raleigh, scroll down for other ways you can participate!)
EVENT: Women’s History Month: ERA 2019
DATE: Tuesday, March 5
TIME: 12:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
LOCATION: North Carolina General Assembly, 16 W. Jones St., Raleigh, N.C.
- Advocates to distribute materials to legislators
- Advocates to serve as a presence in the House and Senate galleries
- Silent Sentinels in ERA apparel to flank doors of leadership offices and building entrance steps throughout the afternoon.
- Volunteers to bring signs and fill the lawn and General Assembly.
Join our Facebook event and let us know you’re coming!
Schedule of Events:
- 12:30 p.m. Advocates gather for instructions on the First Floor in the 1300 quadrant to the left as you enter the NCGA building, Jones Street entrance.
- 1:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Press conference in Press Room, 1300 quadrant, to announce filing of ERA bills.
- 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Advocates distribute ERA materials to legislators and ask them to co-sponsor bills.
- 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Advocates may seat themselves in the House and Senate galleries. The presence of ERA Advocates will be announced by legislators from the floor in both chambers.
4:00 p.m. Senate expected to convene
4:45 p.m. House expected to convene
Additional Details:
Apparel: White apparel with touches of green or ERA-NC Alliance T-shirts are welcome. Remember to wear the sash you created as part of our #SashTag Challenge! And bring extras. A limited number of white ribbons will be available.
Rules of the legislature: www.ncleg.gov/Files/about/buildingrules.pdf
Rules of special note: No signs on sticks allowed. No oversize signs. In the galleries, no signs or food and beverages at all.
Security: Everyone must pass through security at entrances, front and back of building (LB)
Parking, directions and dining information: www.ncleg.gov/About/Visitorinfo
Please share this invitation with everyone you know! See you there.
Can’t join us at the General Assembly that day? Here’s how you can still take action!
For those not able to make it to the legislature, there is the #Sashtag Challenge, details linked in message. Excerpt from: http://www.facebook.com/events/575772219555843/
If you can’t make it to Raleigh, post photos of yourself and your sash on March 5, saying “I support equal rights for all. Ratify the ERA!” #SashTag and #ALLforERA
Also, we have petitions listed on the site that can be sent to the NC Speaker of the House, NC Senate President Pro-tempore, and any legislator that represents one of your members. https//www.era-nc.org/nc-ratification-petition/
And a postcard that can be sent can be found here: Postcard House Parties https://www.era-nc.org/postcards/
Contact info for legislators and leaders is at:
NC House: http://www.ncleg.gov/House
NC Senate: http://www.ncleg.gov/Senate
NC Speaker of the House: Rep. Tim Moore http://www.ncleg.gov/Members/Biography/H/339
NC Senate President Pro-Tempore: Phil Berger http://www.ncleg.gov/Members/Biography/S/64
House Rules Chair: http://www.ncleg.gov/Committees/CommitteeInfo/HouseStanding/2
Senate Rules Chair: http://www.ncleg.gov/Committees/CommitteeInfo/SenateStanding/148
Again, we thank you for your support of the ERA!