Use these postcards to stay in contact with your NC state representatives. Host a postcard party with your friends and neighbors! Keep letting them know that North Carolinians want constitutional equality for women and men.
Our Guide can be used to determine which lawmakers you should contact as a priority and what points you should make: 2019 Postcard and Call Guide
Just in time for Mother’s Day advocacy – Make Mama Happy postcards!
Our previous postcards are available as a downloadable PDF sheet of four postcards – the front and back sheets are below.
Postcards can be sent to the NC Speaker of the House, NC Senate President Pro-tempore, and any legislator that represents one of your members.
Here’s where you’ll find contact information for the NCGA leadership:
NC Speaker of the House: Rep. Tim Moore
NC Senate President Pro-Tempore: Phil Berger
NC House:
NC Senate:
What is the current status of the ERA amendment effort? What actions are you currently taking, or recommend for citizens to take? We were interested in postcards but may have missed our opportunity.
Hi Kathryn,
The bills to ratify the ERA will remain live into the short session of the General Assembly next year, because they’re federal constitutional amendments, they are exempt from the ‘crossover’ deadline, so that’s good news. 🙂
On Thursday, August 22nd we will be unveiling a new billboard campaign across the state – you’ll find more information about that on our ERA and Constitution Day page. Your representatives still need to hear from you about why we do, in fact, need the ERA. You can also help raise awareness about the need for the ERA with your friends and community organizations. We have some sample ideas to get you started on the Constitution Day Activities page!
Thanks so much! Looking over the information!