Ratification Bills Introduction Day – March 5th, 2019
Bills to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment were introduced in both houses of the North Carolina General Assembly on March 5th. ERA-NC Alliance organized a statewide presence in Raleigh, with ERA advocates from the coast to the mountains on hand to witness the introductions and to encourage every single member of the General Assembly to sign on as a co-sponsor. A panel discussion was held in the NCGA Equal Rights Caucus featuring Eleanor Smeal of the Feminist Majority, and Carol Jenkins and Bettina Hager of the ERA Coalition, with ERA-NC Alliance co-president Joanna Wade as moderator. That was followed by a press conference with the bills’ primary sponsors and many co-sponsors present. A mobile billboard organized by Alliance Lead Organization, League of Women Voters of NC, also circled the capitol throughout the day!
Press Conference video:
Equal Rights Caucus video:
Video courtesy of Brave Lens Films, Inc.
I attended the March 5 ERA rally and thought it was well organized and well attended. However, I was extremely disappointed in the lack of media coverage of the event and am as equally disappointed of media interest since. We know that the opposition is counting on keeping ERA out of the news and thus out of the minds of those who would support it if they knew about it. No publicity allows them to keep it in committee where it will die as it has before from lack of light if the media and the press does not find it of public interest or importance.
I was so concerned that I had a telephone conversation with Jason Shrader, the political editor of the N&O. He was not even aware that the ERA had been presented again. He went on to say that the press couldn’t possibly follow the many bills brought before the GA and only covered the important ones. He said that bills brought up time and again that never pass don’t usually get the attention of the press unless there is an unusual circumstance. He did leave me with a bit of advice though. He asked if the governor supported the bill. I replied yes, that I was sure he did, although I have not seen a personal endorsement. He said bills that are important to the governor get the media attention.
So, seems to me that we need a media blitz, and that we need more public support of the governor and maybe his wife and three daughters. Or are we just kidding ourselves by thinking ERA is still relevant. I contacted the governor’s office and related the story from the N&O political editor with a request for more attention from the governor. Maybe more supporters should do the same. I also contacted WRAL with the same concerns.
We must get the media involved; we must make ERA one of the “important” bills.
Thank you! Get it done in North Carolina! 💛💛💛