Wondering how to help get the ERA affirmed as the 28th Amendment?
The most important thing you can do is to reach out to your elected representatives at the local, state and national levels and see if they support ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment. You may not be able to talk to your representative personally; it’s OK to leave a message with their assistant or voicemail. They typically keep a tally of pro and con calls.
As we map out support of this crucial amendment, your findings will be very helpful to us! Please let us know what you learn, whether it’s your village councilwoman, your county councilman, your state senator or your Congresswo/man by sending us a quick email.
Not sure what to say?
Here’s a sample script to start with, if you’re calling a U.S. Senator:
Hello, my name is [insert your name]. I’m a constituent from [insert your state or municipality]. I am calling to ask Senator [Budd/Tillis] to support equality under the law for men and women, which would be guaranteed by their affirmation that the Equal Rights Amendment is the 28th Amendment and therefore the law of the land.
Thank you!
Be respectful, and recognize that the assistants likely won’t be able to tell you much. Bonus points for noting any relationships you might have in common with the representative, and positive comments about something the representative has done recently, if applicable. Also, just one topic per call, don’t try to go through a whole list of issues.
Not sure who your representatives are?
You can find your Congressperson, NC Representative and Senator by entering your address on the General Assembly’s website. It will return links with each representative’s webpage, which includes contact information.
The NC State Board of Elections has a voter lookup tool that will let you see ALL of your electoral districts based on your voter registration – Congressional, state legislative, judicial, county, municipality and Board of Education. It will also show you your voting precinct location. While you’re there, take a moment to make sure your registration information is up to date!
We can start you out with two easy calls to make: our U.S. Senators. While neither has expressed support for the ERA, they still need to hear from you!
Sen. Thom Tillis
113 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510
(202) 224-6342
Sen. Ted Budd
304 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: 202-224-3154