August 26th is typically when we commemorate the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. That was the date it was formally published to the Bill of Rights in 1920. However, we recognize that simply achieving the right to vote was not enough to ensure that women have equal protection under the Constitution. The Equal Rights Amendment was first introduced in Congress in 1923, and is still not part of the Bill of Rights, even after Virginia became the 38th and final necessary state to ratify in January, 2020. That’s why we’re calling this August 26th Women’s (IN)Equality Day!
Join the ERA-NC Alliance on Thursday, August 26th from 10 a.m. to noon at the N.C. Statehouse as we celebrate women’s right to vote and demand ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment!
The Statehouse is located at 16 W. Jones St., Raleigh, NC 27601.
Our speakers include:
- ERA ratification bill lead sponsors, Reps. Julie Von Haefen and Susan Fisher, and Sens. Natalie Murdock and Natasha Marcus,
- Former N.C. Supreme Court Chief Justice Cheri Beasley,
- Mandy Carter, co-founder of Southerners on New Ground and the National Black Justice Coalition,
- Adrienne Spinner, Board Advisor with NC Council for Women & Youth Involvement,
- NC Secretary of Commerce, Machelle Sanders, and
- Frachele Scott, managing director of the Pauli Murray Center for History and Social Justice.
Representatives from our partner organizations for this event will also comment on what they’re doing in North Carolina and in Washington, D.C., to achieve constitutional equality.
American Association of University Women – NC
League of Women Voters NC
Lillian’s List
NC Business and Professional Women
NC National Organization for Women
Women AdvaNCe
Women NC
Feel free to share our event flyer in your community and on your social media channels! Here are both JPG and PDF versions of our flyer:

Is the (IN)Equality event still happening?
I’m sorry I missed your question, Beth. If you were unable to attend, we live-streamed it on our Facebook page!
Thank you for live streaming the event!
Very important and sorry I could not be there. We need to keep this up.
I am happy Maria Reimann is there.
Wendee Wechsberg, President, WomenNC